Monday, July 04, 2005


Cymatic Scan

Bill Laswell & Tetsu Inoue

After really enjoying most of Laswell's ambient stuff, especially his collaborations with M.J. Harris (Somnific Flux, Divination) I was exited to hear about this hour long piece featuring Tetsu Inoue.
Although it does create quite the sonic landscape, it's not very well defined and fuzzy. I don't know if it's the mix, or if Laswell intended the sound to be just out of reach. It's often said that good ambient music should be like wallpaper and enjoyed in the background. For some of us relaxation junkies, especially those raised on Phil K. Dick, Ballard and Burroughs, we tend to like music that wallpapers us into a sci-fi like setting.
Although my initial feelings on this disc will probably improve with subsequent spins,
It seems that the promising soundscape hidden in the mix seems to be buried under the wallpaper.

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